Ms. . Swathi Mohan.,
(Student, Chennai)
I am Swathi Mohan from Chennai. I am 20 years old diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It was the reason for me to commence my weight loss journey and I was 76kgs when I started.
My sister suggested me to consult a dietician so that they would help me to plan a proper diet and I was so lucky that I got to the best diet clinic, Art of eating LLP. I would like to thank Mrs Shiny Surendran and her team for their support and for creating a personalized meal plan. I am grateful to Mrs Ishwarya, nutritionist and Mrs Karpagam, senior nutritionist for their constant support and guidance through the journey.
Along with my regular exercise, I started reducing carbohydrates in my diet and also kept myself hydrated by drinking various fluids and followed the meal plan. This lifestyle change brought in a lot of positive changes in my physical and mental health too. I lost gradually but steadily and went down to 67kgs in 3 months. I think what worked is a combination of the meal and regular exercise.
It was not a miracle but my discipline and support from my dietician, cool nutritionists and friends that yielded results. I personally feel that hard work with true dedication is always rewarded.