Priya Murali, Dallas

Dear Shiny and Karpagam,

This is Priya Murali, one of your many clients; I’m from Dallas, TX. I’ve been on my nutrition journey with you since Feb 2021.

I hope you and your families are doing well in these unsettling and unprecedented times.

At the end of every nutrition program, I’m sure you receive plenty of ‘thank you’ emails from your clients. Well, I’m no exception, and I wanted to take a moment to give you a big shoutout for being an amazing influence and for being trusted advisors in my fitness journey!

I’m a senior director at a healthcare corporation as well as a Bharatanatyam dancer, more of a choreographer these days, staging intercontinental dance fundraisers to benefit various charities. With my insanely busy lifestyle, I’ve barely been able to dedicate time towards my health but I took a sabbatical from work recently, and decided to take the plunge into self-care! If Covid doesn’t teach us

what’s important, then what will?!

In January 2021, I too made a NewYear’s resolution to eat better, and to lose weight. The cosmos must’ve heard my mind-voice this time around. I chanced upon my friend, Jeyashri(‘s Kitchen)’s post on IG, and I reached out to her for further details.

The nutrition plan that Shiny Surendran compiled for me was super practical, and in conjunction with my existing diet, which is predominantly South Indian/TamBrahm. I followed it quite strictly, and in parallel, also started my yoga sadhana with Ramya Siddamsetty. This is no cliche, but the combination of mindful eating and yoga was a game-changer!

About 16 lbs down and several lost inches later, I’m a much happier person, feeling on top of the world, and definitely feeling stronger, both physically and mentally. Holistically speaking, I feel like I’m in complete control! I no longer “diet”, but eat everything in moderation and I’m aware of how to balance it out when I’ve binged on something that I shouldn’t have. A special callout to Karpagam, who has been a great sounding board (and a punching bag at times!). I’ve referred a number of people to Karpagam, who only have good stories to share about her with me.

My only prayer now is that I stick to this lifestyle and remain consistent, come what may! The benefits that you reap from this investment are so huge, that I’m hopeful will motivate me (and many others) to make this, a lifetime choice!

’ll share pictures and post on IG in a few days, but wanted to be sure to send you this personal message. Shiny, I do hope one of these days, I can rope you in for an IG live for Bharatanatyam dancers and artists who will greatly benefit from your pearls on nutrition. “Yaam pettra inbam peruga ivvayagam”

Koti pranams and thank you both for the amazing work that you do - in a sphere that matters most to all of us, humans!

Be well and take care.

Warmly, Priya Murali