( Research Scientist, US)
I owe my heartfelt thanks to Karpagam and Shiny for instilling a lifelong lifestyle change in me over the course of past 3 months. Throughout this period, I have reduced about 8 Kgs in body weight, feel very light/fit overall and went from huffing and puffing even for a 20 min walk in the hot sun to feeling refreshed even after a 2-hr mountain biking ride. This is the power of eating right and gaining the habit of feeling contented and taking ownership of the food we eat. I would not have gained this habit and feeling without great help from Karpagam and Shiny.
Even though weight reduction was not the original goal I went to Karpagam with, it came as a side bonus. I had my weakness in eating mainly due to stress and contacted Karpagam to help me with nutritional fitness. Overall I am very happy with the results and beyond glad that I acquired this new eating habit. Its been two weeks since I entered the maintenance phase, and I am surprised that I hardly reach out for sweets or carbs. My tummy is so happy and full with the healthy choices that Karpagam/Shiny gave me. I still have my spicy snacks weakness but I now eat consciously when compared to eating mindlessly before. There is a huge difference between feeling deprived of the things we want to eat and feeling content with what we eat. I never felt deprived throughout this whole process!
For anyone considering to give this a try, these are my 2 cents worth of advice. Do not overthink this - if you want to give a try, go for it. Believe me, you will not have any regrets after. Will there be anything wrong in choosing to eat right (pun!) - nothing really! You will not see the foods you eat with the same eye that you had before. Initial days will be a little hard, but Karpagam/Shiny duo will make sure you are motivated and give choices to ease you in to stay the course. I am so glad that I got in touch with Karpagam and Shiny, and so proud that I have done something to take care of myself to help the effort of taking care of my family!