Mr.K.M. Suresh.,

When I enrolled for Oxfam Trialwalker (100 Kms) event (held from 24th to 26th November 2023) in August this year, I knew I had to put in lot of efforts to train for the same. Being a vegetarian, I wanted guidance on adequate protein and balanced nutrition intake in my diet to support the physical effort that I had to put in during the training and in the actual event.

I contacted Mrs Shiny Surendran for guidance and the senior nutritionist from the Art of Eating team, Mrs Karpagam was assigned to support me. The meal plans were set by Shiny and Karpagam to meet my protein / nutrition intake requirements. Karpagam followed up with me regularly on the progress. I completed 1OOkms Oxfam Trialwalker successfully in 29 hours 17 minutes.

I would like to thank Karpagam and Shiny for their expert advice and guidance on my diet plan for the last 3 months which helped to build my strength and stamina to put in the strenuous effort.