Karthika Suresh Kumar
(Software Engineer, Chennai)
Hi, I am Karthika, software engineer by profession working in multiple shifts. I am a woman with history of PCOD for past 3 years with complaints of weight gain upto 14 kgs in the recent times. Due to PCOD I started developing acne flares that used to bleed which shows how severe it was. I had consulted dermatologist Dr. Anuj Singh for the same and he referred me to Ms. Shiny Surendran and told weight loss and management of PCOD will only be the permanent solution.
I tried losing weight with exercise and gym for almost a year. Nothing worked. But after consulting with Ms. Shiny Surendran and strictly following her meal plan for 2 months, I was able to lose around 5 kgs of weight with my acne flares gone down completely. To follow her plan was easy and I was able to make healthy combinations with the foods available at home which was encouraged. It has been so much useful for my health and fitness on day to day basis that I found myself fresh and able to do all my daily chores effectively.